Daniel Bastos
Hellooooo, I'm Daniel and below are some of the things I've been doing.
Github, LinkedIn, Twitter, Lattes and CV
- [PUC Minas] Computer Science Undergraduate. Avg: 94/100 (2020-current)
- [PUC Minas] Undergraduate Researcher | Iniciação Científica. Projects:
- Automatic Classification of Risk and Priority in Emergency Care (2022-current)
- A Study of Training Approaches of a Hybrid Summarization Model (2021-2022)
- A Novel Ranking Algorithm for Ordinal Data (2020-2021)
- [PUC Minas] Teaching Assistant | Monitoria. Classes:
- Databases (2021-current)
- Calculus II (2021)
- [Kusama] Software Engineer (2022-current) (freelance)
- [Magrathea Labs] Software Engineer (2020-2021) (part-time)
- [ThoughtWorks] Software Engineer and Consultant (2020)
- [Magrathea Labs] Software Engineer (2018-2019)
- [Magrathea Labs] Software Engineer Intern (2017)
- I enjoy talking about LGBT themes, in specific, transgender rights and activism.
- Due to heavy influences of Lauro, I have become a blockchain enthusiast, focusing on Polkadot, Kusama and Ethereum.
- I play the alto saxophone and enjoy doing music with my friends, any nonsense is acceptable as long as everyone is happy.
- Rails Girls (2019)
- [IFC] Flask Workshop (2018)
- [UDESC] Flask Workshop (2018)
- Hacktoberfest Coding Hackaton (2018)
- Rails Girls (2018)
- Code Like a Girl (2017)
- PyLadies (2017)
- FabLab Arduino Workshop (2016)
- [Java Meetup] Clojure and the Host (2020)
- [ThoughtWorks] Some struggles that transgender men pass (2020) (2020)
- [UDESC] Transgender 101 (2019)
- [Python Meetup] My experience being a volunteer in Python Brazil 2019 (2019)
- [Python Meetup] Visualization and manipulation of geographic data in Python (2019)
- [Ruby Meetup] Concurrency and Paralelism in Ruby (2019)
- [Magrathea] Introduction to Amazon ECS (2018)
- [UDESC] Introduction to Kubernetes (2018)
- [Magrathea] Introduction to Terraform (2018)
- [Python Meetup] How to contribute to Diário Oficial (2018)
- [Python Meetup] Static Typing in Python (2018)
- [Python Meetup and UDESC] Introduction to ChatBots in Python (2017)
- [Python Meetup] Tests in Python (2017)
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